George Strait Research Paper

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George Strait “ I want to reach the point where people hear my name and immediately think of real country music” (“Strait”). This is a quote given by George Strait in referring to his country music career. Born in Texas in 1952 George Strait has been a country music icon since the 1980’s. The award winning singer is known for his traditional country sound. George Strait is arguably the most influential and successful country music stars due to his numerous awards, the millions he's made, and his true country style and lifestyle. George strait is very popular with 100’s of awards that prove so. From the time George’s country music career started in 1981 he has set a record for an impressive amount of awards. He has been awarded 26 platinum…show more content…
Some artist of todays music make ridiculous amounts of cash. Most is just to do with how they act on stage or how they dress and how much attention they attract from cameras and commercials. None of it is solely on how they sing. George’s case is alittle different. Hes made over 320 million dollars in his 33 year career, but its all been made from his true vocal talent. Its living prove when playing at only 19 venue arenas can gross over 16 million dollars. People wanted to see him and would fork over their money to hear real music (“George Strait Contemporary”). He has had his strong money making years and some where he dont touch the year before or after, but does very well for himself and has never had to pinch pennies or struggle in his music career. One of the many things that sets him aside from other celebrities or millionaires is his humble personality. Theres never a time he can be seen on Tv or a live concert flashing around his fat wallet. Quiet and charitable would describe him. Back in Poteet Texas George still runs the family ranch. The income from the ranch don't compare to his fame, it is more of a hobby to George and his family. He keeps up on it to carry along a family tradition and it goes right along with his passion of

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