Thomas Cole Hudson River School Analysis

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This article is about Thomas Cole who is considered the inspiration for the Hudson River school. The confusion that surrounds Thomas Cole is that he was seen as an untrained artist who somehow created these amazing pieces of works so quickly and inspired an art movement. The author looks at many details to try to understand how Thomas Cole was able to create the works that he did without the training and time that other artist put in to create works with the same value. Understanding Thomas Cole could be useful in understanding artist of the nineteenth century since he did inspire the Hudson River school. One object that the author looks at is something that he finds in Thomas Cole’s studio is Cole’s chair. He believes this chair reveals more about Cole than many would assume. This chair is a studio chair and not one that he would have brought along with him when he went to go sketch. The chair has some unusual qualities to it, especially the design that is on it. The design included white flat-topped pyramids and scarlet birds of…show more content…
To begin his experience with art and his training differs in many ways to other painters during this time. Cole started as a decorative artist and continued to be a decorative artist when he moved to America, which gives him some experience and a different view on paintings. He inspired many people even to the small details of colors. While on his visit in Europe he not only brought over techniques and ideas but also colors. One color was an ultramarine, which was a very rare color for walls, but Cole knew of it because the pigment was in France during his visits. He brought the color over to America and in New York City art stores got huge supplies of it. One critic stated, “We are strongly of the opinion that Mr. Cole has made a good and liberal use of ultramarine in his sky- a color that excellences of which are not sufficiently appreciated by our

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