Thesis Statement For Dyslexia

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1.0 INTRODUCTION 1.1 General background Specific learning disability which named Dyslexia is a widely known but poorly understood by people. It can be difficult to define because there are various terms to describe the meaning of dyslexia. According to the European Dyslexia association, Dyslexia is a difference in acquiring reading, spelling, and writing skills that is neurological in origin (Claudia Cappa, 2011). The cognitive difficulties that cause this differences can also affect organizational skills, calculation abilities and others. It may be caused by a combination of difficulties in phonological processing, working memory, rapid naming, sequencing and the automaticity of basic skills. Moreover, dyslexia is a real problem, which affects…show more content…
However, it is still an under-recognized and not yet fully understood or well-publicized phenomenon and there is currently a severe lack of resources, support and proper facilities to address the problem at a national scale. For instant, based on the latest statistics obtained from the State Education Department, a total of 96 students have been diagnosed with dyslexia in schools across Sarawak (Marilyn Ten, 2011). 1.3 Thesis statement One of the causes of dyslexia among children is genetic inheritance. There are also several effect that we found which are children dyslexia tend to have low self-esteem and difficulties in learning skills. 2.0 BODY 2.1 Genetic…show more content…
The fact that your child may have dyslexia does not mean that they will be unsuccessful. Some examples of people who have dyslexia are people like Albert Einstein who is famous for the theory of relativity. As we can see this people were very successful and influential in their life. Therefore, parents, teachers and specialist in the field of education must bear in mind that an earlier identification allows a more effective intervention since it reduces negative effects on learning and protect the child from neglect by others. One of the causes of dyslexia among children is genetic inheritance. There are also several effect that we found which are children dyslexia tend to have low self-esteem and difficulties in learning skills. As what we have been thought over earlier, there are many solution for this problem through educational technique which are have them read difference kind of reading material, especially material they find interesting, as it will positively enforce reading. Make sure the student is writing the assignment correctly and reward student for writing down the assignment. Next, every student should be motivate and encourage to be improved. The most effective solution to understanding dyslexia among children is creating safe learning environment, in which student are not afraid to ask for assistant or help. By using this effective solution it can help the children

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