Theseus Vs Hercules Research Paper

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Greatest Aspects Left Unsaid A hero is someone who is honored by the people because of certain outstanding achievements. Its origin leads back to the Archaic period , the time when ancient societies started accepting civilization. Greek Heroes are still known to today’s people and some still very popular even after hundreds of years because they were more relatable , their character holds more profundity. These Greek heroes mirrored some characteristics the Ancient Greek society valued the most . Courage and confidence are the two qualities the Ancient Greeks treasured , and these , both Theseus and Hercules had. Both their adventures conceived how they develop courage and confidence making them indeed the best examples of heroes who are…show more content…
Theseus was involved in many political and community work , he was king after all . His confidence made his people like and support him making Theseus successful in ruling over his kingdom . The Ancient Greeks , like other civilizations at that time , were conservative when it comes to rules and traditions. This Theseus know very well and still , with confidence, he promoted democracy . He started something in Athens which would make a lot of people disgrace him but with self-confidence , he stood and verified everyone that this new way of government would make their society healthier, happier. He succeeded, thus making Athens the birthplace of democracy today, his myth defining how the Ancient Greek society’s views on politics changed. Hercules too is an image of confidence , acquiring it ever since he was born . At the beginning of the myth , Hercules was defined as “ ...the strongest man on earth. He had the supreme self-confidence his magnificent physical strength gives”. This statement shows how the author initially imagined him being a mighty individual with that dignity of a god. With that confidence , he was able to take part in both battles of the gods and the mortals that he completed throughout the course of his myth. His confidence made him going through all the risks and even take him away from the righteous treatment he was suppose to receive being Zeus’ son.Without confidence Theseus would not be “The bravest of the brave Greek heroes” and “The Great Reformer King” to the Athenians . Likewise , the Ancient Greeks would not see Hercules as their “greatest hero” which everyone loves even after his

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