Four Themes Of Achieving Children's Five Outcomes

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The Every Child matters framework identifies 5 outcomes for children to achieve these are; be healthy, be safe, to enjoy and achieve, make a positive contribution and achieve economic wellbeing. To achieve these children and young people will require support and guidance from parents/carers and other adults they come into contact with such as teachers and doctors. The early years foundation stage identify 4 themes which link to the ECM 5 outcomes, these are; Unique Child, Positive Relationships, Enabling Environments and Learning and Development. The 4 themes help to ensure children and young people are given the support and guidance they need to achieve the 5 outcomes and develop into happy confident adults. This is done by following supporting…show more content…
Understanding a healthy balanced diet will help children though the stages of their physical development. Eating a sufficient breakfast before school can help to ensure their concentration throughout their morning, a nutritional lunch can provide children and young people with the energy required to perform to their best ability in afternoon activities. This can have an overall effect on a child's academic achievement; therefore it is a requirement for schools to provide a healthy school meal. Practitioners are required to ensure a child or young person has access to fresh clean drinking water at all times, this is ensured by ensuring access to water fountains and in some instance access to a tap in classrooms. Children and young people should have access to PSHE lessons, following a variety of different topics, personal hygiene; brushing teeth, washing hands, washing hair and body. Road safety and healthy eating can also be discussed during PSHE lessons; learning which foods are healthy and unhealthy, learning the green cross code, and even stranger…show more content…
This is vital to ensure the safety of children and young people as it provides practitioners with key skills and knowledge to identify and safeguard a child who is or may be at risk. A safeguarding policy will identify the designated person within the environment and where to find them, this is imperative to ensure confidentiality. A health and safety policy should also be accessible to ensure practitioners are aware of the procedures they must follow to ensure the safety of each individual within the setting, storing hazardous substances in locked cupboards, how to report or remove of hazardous objects. Children learn through play and social exploration, therefore for children to ‘enjoy and achieve’ it is vital that activities are centred on fun activities and their individual interests. Each child and young person is unique and will be interested by a variety of different activities or toys, they also learn and achieve differently. It is important when supporting the development of children and young people to identify and understand their key interests, skills and abilities, getting to know each child or young person individually. Working with each child or young person in tern to identify their interest or abilities along with observations, helps practitioners to identify how they are best able to support each child and young person. Lesson plans

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