Theme Of Our Town

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Life is truly temporary and short and each and every single moment should be appreciated because there is only one chance to live each moment in life; this is the message that Thornton Wilder presents in his book Our Town. In the story of Our Town, most of the characters live robotically without taking time to appreciate any of their fleeting moments in life. In real life, people are also living very systematically; people usually follow a very strict schedule everyday. This prevents many people from ever actually appreciating all of the short moments in daily life. In reality, even when people want to take the time to fully notice these moments in life, they are not able to. With school, work, studying, and many other tasks within regular…show more content…
To simply answer the question, people do not appreciate the time they have enough. If one considers how short life truly is, and how it is impossible to relive any single moment in life, then it becomes transparent that people simply do not have enough thankfulness for life. In reality, people seem to rush and hurry throughout their lives; this completely prevents them from taking time to enjoy the wonders of the world. Whenever one rushes things, they cannot stop to take a break and notice how finite their time is; they never seem to realize just how much time they wasted. Our Town shows how the dead look back at their living selves and they realize how pathetic and foolish they were because they had not made the most of their lives while they had it. Furthermore, as people hurry things in their lives, time seems to go by quicker. That is because their mindset is so rushed and hurried that time in their own perspective goes by quickly as well. This makes life feel even shorter and trivial. This is exactly the problem with many people today; rushing, stressing, and worrying about things are exactly what makes life feel like it is worth less than it truly is. Our Town demonstrates precisely how those people who are always on a schedule, rushing, and worrying are the ones who lose out on appreciating life and its transient…show more content…
That is because she is like most people: living in a repetitively and systematically way. However, what makes her more relatable is the fact that when she was dead, she wanted to relive a part of her life. That decision is something that I believe many people would lean towards. She did not realize how much time the people around her had wasted. Unfortunately, she then found out how they did not live every moment to the fullest extent. The time went by far too quickly and so each moment felt completely trivial. This is very relatable because anyone can look back at their past and realize that if they were to relive a day, it would have felt trivial because no one had made the best out of each moment. After looking back at a day in one’s life in the same way that Emily did, the feelings that Emily felt are very relatable in this way. In this way, Emily’s character from Our Town was crucial when demonstrating the negative impact of not living all of life’s moments to the
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