Theme Of 'Black-Robed Judges'

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"Black-robed judges"; "decrees of what to me was Fate"; and "the intensity of their expression of firmness—of immoveable resolution—of stern contempt of human torture." There is also "seven tall candles," which may represent the Jewish Menorah and may connect the persecution by the Inquisition of Jews in Spain to the rest of Spanish Inquisition allusion. The first paragraph starts out with a general allusion to imprisonment with "at length unbound me, the dread sentence of death," I think this allusion is about death. I think this becaue the line says "the dread sentence of death", I think that this means that te word "Death" scares hims. The allusion is continued with "black-robed judges"; "decrees of what to me was Fate"; and "the intensity

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