The Wizard Of Oz: Judy Garland During The Great Depression

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The Great Depression was a period in which dreams were demolished, hope was lost, and history was made. People went hungry, businesses closed, and adults had to wait in extensive lines in order to receive a bowl of soup. With the world slowly crumbling down around them, Americans lost hope. But through the darkness, rays of light slipped through the shadows of the Great Depression. The public relied on distractions and comfort from the world of entertainment to guide them out of the tragic times they were facing. Judy Garland found a perfect way to comfort the public while gaining stardom at the same time through acting and singing. The Wizard of Oz, her most popular production gave the world a whole new way of watching movies; However, ‘Over…show more content…
The less fortunate relied on show business to distract themselves from their lives. Cheerful, comical, uplifting shows were a way of brightening their smiles. They intended to use this as a way to get themselves through the dark times. Just like any other person in the 1930’s, Judy Garland shows how she had fears and obstacles to overcome just like the rest of the Americans when she says, “I've always taken 'The Wizard of Oz’ very seriously, you know. I believe in the idea of the rainbow. And I've spent my entire life trying to get over it” (“Judy Garland Quotes”). Although it was not for the same reasons, Judy Garland connected to her audience in a relatable and inspiring way. On the other hand, when the first successful Technicolor film came out, The Wizard of Oz, Judy Garland became the star of it. Most people remember her because of the movie; therefore, the other actors in The Wizard of Oz were overlooked. This female icon was such as big deal in the movie industry because she was the woman that stood for The Wizard of Oz which is remembered as the first movie made in color. Although there had already been a movie made with color, most people were seeing this film as the first because the actual movie first made in color was insignificant and didn’t become as popular as The Wizard of Oz. This film may not officially be the first movie ever made in color, but it…show more content…
Throughout The Wizard of Oz, various references are made that clearly emulate the lives of those in the Great Depression. In the beginning of the story, Dorothy’s house gets carried by a tornado into a magical land where everything appears to be perfect and beautiful. This point in the plot represents people under the poverty line being evicted from their homes and taken into a place where everything appears to be perfect. In reality, Dorothy’s and the people’s fantasy world had a cache of flaws including the Wicked Witch of the West and the failing economy. First of all, in order to get there they had to bring down the Wicked Witch of the East with the house. On the other hand, in order for one person to provide for his family and have a job, another person will have to face not having a job and not being able to support his wife and children. Also, the idea of home evictions appear in the film when Dorothy clicks her heels together saying, “there’s no place like home” (The Wizard of Oz). Meanwhile, The Wizard of Oz in the end of the movie turns out to be a fraud who was faking his magical powers the entire time. However, the president that was in office when the stock markets crashed was Herbert Hoover. Hoover was much like the Wizard of Oz because they both claimed to be something they were not. The

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