The Symbolism Of Pearl In Nathaniel Hawthorne's Scarlet Letter

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In the Scarlet Letter, Pearl, Hester’s daughter served as a symbol. Pearl was a result of her Mother, Hester Prynne’s adultery. Even Pearl's clothes contribute to her symbolic purpose in the novel by making an association between her, the scarlet letter, and Hester's passion. Much to the consternation of her Puritan society, Hester dresses Pearl in outfits of gold or red or both. As for her disposition, the reading reads that Pearl has a “perfect shape”, “a native grace,” and “natural dexterity.” Moreover, there’s also great magnitude and irony in Pearl’s name. Her name signifies that she is her mother’s only treasure. Thereby, as a character, Pearl implements a type of richness and depth to the novel that encourages the reader to look beneath the surface.…show more content…
Furthermore, she was portrayed as more honest and perceptive than the adult characters. Pearl causes the readers to be constantly aware of her mother’s scarlet letter and of the society that produced it. Even from a very early age Pearl was fixated on her mother’s scarlet letter, pondering upon its meaning. Even when she was a baby, Pearl was intrigued by her mother’s A. As a symbol, Pearl is a constant reminder of Hester’s passion and her adulterous act. Thereby, she invariably keeps Hester aware of her sin. For instance, Pearl on several accounts verbally reminded Hester that it is imperative that she wears, and continues to wear the scarlet letter. Likewise, in the forest Hester removed her scarlet letter and Pearl then persuades her to put it back. Pearl continues by explaining to her mother that “the sunshine does not love you. It runs away and hides itself, because it is afraid of something on your
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