Dualism In Plato's Phaedo

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Plato’s Dualism In Plato’s Phaedo, Socrates argues that the soul is immortal and that it can and will survive without the body after death. Plato believed that the soul could act independently of the body when it comes to pure thoughts, and how we come to knowledge has nothing to do with the physical form of the body but rather through a process called recollection. Parfit’s materialism view explains that the body is made up entirely of matters, and no part of the human is immaterial. He also explains that humans are dependent on the brain, and we do not have such thing as a soul. On the other hand, Plato as a dualist believed that our body and our soul are two different things. The body consists of materialism, whereas our soul is the immaterial, the never dying entity. Plato argues that our soul is the more important of the…show more content…
What I find problematic in Parfit’s personal identity view is he concluded that I am not the same person I was back when I was eight years old if I do not have the same characteristics and memories of experiences now as to back then. If this is the case, I question if I will survive to exist in the future to be the same me now or not, and if I do not, where did I go? However, If I do manage to survive to be the same person at twenty-eight, I am the same person as I am now at eight-teen but not the same person at eight years old? Parfit offers to answer these questions by saying somewhere in that ten-year process, the eight year old me went somewhere, died from this world and the me now was born somewhere in that ten year time. This way out fails to answer the scientifically proven fact that birth is given through a woman’s womb, not through materialism (if I’m made of different cells or

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