The Struggle In The Keatyn Chronicles

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Struggle can come in many forms. Whether it be the struggle to be a teenager or the struggle to be a soldier. There are endless ways that people struggle every day. The struggle is real, but that is what comes with living. If no one went through a then no one would realise how lucky they are. Its our struggles that make us who we are. This painting shows the struggle of a young child. Struggle can come from many places pain, hope, desire. This painting showcases the raw pain and heartache this child is going through. It may be considered disturbing to some, but thats the whole point. This painter wanted to make someone, somewhere, feel something. Whether it be sorrow, anger, or a whole jumble of emotions. It makes everyone who looks at this painting feel something. It represents a frantic attempt of a child struggling to hang on to his life. The dark colors and visible brush strokes suggest a rough…show more content…
She has the life that every teenage girl dreams of. She has the boy, the popularity, and did I mention a famous mom? Everything seems to be going great until her mom starts getting threatening letters from a long time fan. To Keatyn it is a little weird but doesn’t seem to phase her. Until the stalker takes action and tries to kidnap her. After she got away her whole life gets flipped upside down. She gets sent to boarding school and constantly on guard waiting for her kidnapper/stalker to find her. Keatyn constantly struggles with what you would assume as day to day things. Her relationships seem to never go right, because she can’t get attached. When everyone goes home for the holidays she has to lie and say she is going to hers’ to. Nobody at her new school knows who she really is and, more importantly, why she is really there. To outsiders she seems to have it together but on the inside she is terrified. All she wants is a normal life, and the biggest struggle is realising she can’t have

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