Othello Vs Cinthio

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Why do you think Shakespeare changes large or small details between the two stories? When comparing the two stories, you can automatically notice that Shakespeare has taken the drama of Cinthio’s original document to the next level. The changes Shakespeare has made range from small details to huge differences in certain scenes. For example, character Disdemona, from Cinthio, simply has the spelling of her name changed to Desdemona in Othello. On the other hand, Shakespeare changes some key points in the play, such as Desdemona’s love for her husband, the Moor. In Cinthio’s original tale, you find out that Disdemona questions her love for the Moor, and their relationship. This is far-fetched from the idea Shakespeare imbeds into the reader’s…show more content…
A play with a plot lasting this long would not realistically keep the audience on the edge of their seats wondering what is going to happen next. By shortening the time scheme, Shakespeare efficiently manages to intensify the dramatic impact. What is different about Iago’s announced motives and emotions as compared with the ensign’s? Iago, being a main character in the play, plays a significant role in the plot of the story. Being the instigator, manipulator, and creator of this destructive plan, the question arises, Why does Iago act this way and have so much hate towards Othello? The answers to this question differ, depending on if the question is directed towards the original documented story, or directed to the play by Shakespeare. In Cinthio, it is very clear that the Ensign’s motive for wanting to ruin Othello is because the Ensign is, in fact, in love with Othello’s wife, Disdemona. Although this is not a justified reason to hate someone, it gives the readers an idea for the Ensign’s motives. In Othello, there is no direct motive stated to justify the hate towards The Moor. In the beginning of the play, there are some suggested reasons, such as, the rumor that Othello had slept with Emilia, Iago’s wife, or that Iago was passed over for a promotion. But once again, these are all hear says with no real justification being

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