The Sin Of Adam And Eve Research Paper

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The sin of Adam was the first sin ever committed by man. We know for sure that it actually did occur because of Divine Revelation. When God made Adam and Eve, His only request was that they not touch the fruit from the tree of knowledge. They chose to disobey His command and the results were disastrous. Even though Adam and Eve had disobeyed Him, God was still merciful and promised to send a Redeemer. Before the fall, Adam and Eve lived in harmony with the rest of creation. They did not have to suffer death, sickness, pain, sorrow, or have to work hard to survive. God placed them in charge of the rest of creation. God’s most valuable gift to Adam and Eve, however, was sanctifying grace. Sanctifying grace establishes our friendship with God and makes our souls holy and beautiful. Adam and Eve were able to see God often, as he liked to walk through the garden with them. They had an excellent relationship with God.…show more content…
From that tree you shall not eat; when you eat from it you shall die.” (Genesis 2: 16-17) God allowed them to have whatever they wanted from the garden, except for the fruit from the tree of knowledge of good and evil. Satan was envious of man and wanted revenge for his previous defeat. He tempted Eve, saying that God did not want them to eat the fruit because He knew that it would make them wise like God. This was obviously a lie, but Eve believed the serpent and ate the fruit. She then gave some to Adam, who also ate it. This was a sin of both pride and disobedience; Pride because Adam and Eve wanted to be wise like God; and disobedience because God had told them not to eat the fruit. This was the first sin that man had committed against his

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