The Seated Boxer: A Brief Analysis

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Lee, seungsam Art History 1 Fall 2015 Dr. Michelle H. Craig The Seated Boxer The Seated Boxer, “The Terme Boxer,” is seated bronze, highly detailed sculpture that is naked and wearing athletic accessories. We could see the Seated Boxer is an older man by seeing his face and well kept beard. He is a mature athlete who has muscular body and it reveals sadness in his face. The seated boxer is a mature athlete seated and resting on a stone naked that is highly detailed sculpture. The Seated Boxer portrays a life size (4’2” high) man seated with his arms resting on his knees and head is turned to the right and slightly raised with his mouth opened. This sculpture is symmetrical, smooth texure and in the round. The figure is only wearing his gloves that are highly detailed which reveal that he is a boxer. Leather is wrapped around his hands with metal knuckle duster. This sculpture has muscular body and full beard, which represent a mature athlete. His thick neck, bulky legs, long arms, and wide back are presented in the sculpture. Well kept beard tells that he is an old man and many of wounds are only on his face which reveals boxing technique of that time. There is no wound on his body but we could find some blood marks on this right arm and leg. Coppers are used to…show more content…
It is a work of Lyssipus of Sikyon, a sculptor who worked for Alexander the Great. It is a Greek Hellenistic sculpture around ca. 100-50 BCE. Hellenistic periods are represented as a period after the Alexander the Great. The Hellenistic period was an era when all sorts of imagery and idealization were exposed that could not be found during Greek period. Geographic and cultural spread affected the art of the Hellenistic period. Unlike any other classical Hellenistic sculpture, the Seated Boxer is seated, not heroic, and old. It is a unique sculpture that contains its special emotional beauty on his

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