The Representation And Whitewashing Of Ethnic Women In Media Summary

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In her essay “The Representation and Whitewashing of Ethnic Women in Media, Nicole Borowicz brings attention to the issue of the White-American beauty ideals in North America. She argues that North America, as a vastly diverse continent with many different cultures and ethnicities, should properly represent all people of different ethnicities in media, and should broaden its perception of beauty as a whole. Borowicz introduces her essay with a personal anecdote, and throughout the writing maintains a very personal tone by including stories from her own life as a half-Polish half-Filipino person living in North America. The use of personal anecdotes in Borowicz’s essay suggests that she is affected personally by the issue, and through doing this establishes a sense of both ethos and pathos to the audience. While the essay fully covers the issue at hand, includes convincing points as to why change is needed, and is strong in ethos and particularly pathos, at times it is quite opinionated, and lacks logos due to a deficiency in statistics and data, weakening the rhetorical effectiveness of the piece.

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