The Quiet Man Vs Vietnam

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Thesis: In both the play “The Field” by John B. King and the film directed by Jim Sheridan, the morals of men are constantly being challenged over a piece of land. Bull McCabe’s loss of certain social norms and respect for the law comes from his pride, grievance, and anger that he was unable to let go of. • The film was almost identical to the film “The Quiet Man”, but instead Sheridan allowed the viewers to see the harshness of Ireland and why everyone left during the famine. Also, in “The Quiet Man” the man attempting to keep his land doesn’t seem even close to as hard working as McCabe does. Sheridan offers a realistic and cold side of Ireland’s struggle through the famine, and “The Quiet Man” offers a very fantasy-like, romanticized view. • Bull McCabe’s opinions of…show more content…
The amount of physical, psychological, and sexual abuse that has been committed towards children inside Ireland classrooms and churches surpasses most countries. Many of the abuse cases in the classroom were going unnoticed or ignored. • The Irish Catholic institutions and churches have been responsible for thousands of abuse and sexual assault cases, and during the 1980’s and 1990’s multiple cases were being investigated revealing “…hundreds of priests had abused thousands of children in previous decades.” • Revered Brendan Smyth got away with sexually abusing children for over 50 years due the Roman Catholic Church’s want and ability to cover up the scandal. They would send him out of Ireland over to the U.S. without telling catholic churches that Smyth was a pedophile. • The Catholic Church spent “$3 billion dollars alone in the United states,” to cover up accusations of pedophilia among

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