The Psychology Of Mob Conformity

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Do you ever find yourself in a conversation, agreeing with your friends, even when you know they’re wrong? Just following the crowd? That’s called conformity. Conformity is a big part of our society today and has always been. There are many good and bad examples of conformity, including bullying and mob mentality. Conformity can have a big effect on people, especially children, so we should work hard to educate people on making the right decisions. One very large factor in conformity is Mob Mentality, the willingness to blindly follow others. The article, “The Psychology of Mob Mentality or Groupthink.” says, “the desire for harmony in a decision making group overrides a realistic appraisal of alternatives.” This means that people would rather…show more content…
According to the article,“Boundless Psychology,” where it states, “loyalty must prevent individuals from raising controversial issues of alternate solutions; there must be a loss of individual creativity and independent thinking” Which means that people would rather allow people to make fun of people and hurt others to save themselves. People forget how to think for themselves, or they just don't bother to. They would rather ignore the needs of others than be seen as different. Here the article “The Psychology of Mob Mentality or Groupthink.” says about people in the community or group, “they put a direct pressure on dissenters and are put under pressure not to express arguments against any of the group’s views.” They seem to have one common idea. Opposers could be shunned or gossiped about for not agreeing with the group. This is especially prominent when people disagree with what is right or wrong. If the group says that being gay is wrong and someone disagrees then they could be called gay or queer. Bullying is often a very common and very hurtful example of…show more content…
It could be beneficial in some ways, but in most ways it is not. “Boundless Psychology” says “in the group, they are likely to make riskier decisions as the shared risk makes the individual risk seem to be less.” This was the tactic used by unions during the industrial revolution. Workers found safety in numbers as they fought for worker’s rights. If they couldn’t get everyone to protest then the protests would often either be cancelled or would fail and the workers would be replaced. Their leaders were often fired as a result. When everyone did partake, they accomplished big things and made lots of progress. Another quote by “Boundless Psychology” on creativity is “Deindividuation is exactly what the word implies: a loss of one’s individuality. Instead of acting as individuals, people experiencing deindividuation become lost in a group. ” This says that people lost who they truly were. An example of this was the Nazi party. The Nazis and SS soldiers tended to lose themselves in their loyalty to Hitler. They’d rather kill and torture people than risk be shunned or have people question their loyalty. Although conformity doesn’t usually have good results, it can help people sometimes. In conclusion, conformity is a human instinct that is very hard to resist but we can work hard to make the results of it positive. We can use our newfound knowledge of mob mentality and the effects of bullying to minimize the negativity

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