The Pros And Cons Of Revelation

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Revelation means unveiling, uncovering or disclosure of something previously hidden. “Revelation is the disclosure of the character and purpose of God, and when it is received, it radically changes the lives of the recipients”. Although this disclosure can be seen as a gift, it is terrifying. Once it has been revealed, one must review their previous thoughts and re-describe their beliefs in light of this disclosure. “Revelation is God’s free and gracious self-disclosure through particular events that are attested and interpreted by people of faith”. The revelation of God requires our personal response. It is not forced upon us, it allows us to see God’s created world but it does not eliminate other possible ways of viewing the world. Identifying…show more content…
“While God’s revelation in Jesus Christ is completely trustworthy, we cannot fully comprehend either the being of God or God’s gift of creation, reconciliation and redemption”. The human mind is unable to behold god directly. In order to identify God, the human mind must imagine a scaled down version, as we are incapable of understanding God in his full glory. John Calvin argues with this theory that humans cannot comprehend God. He states that God understands our inabilities and therefore presents Himself to use in ways that we can understand. Thomas Aquines also frequently reminds his readers that God remains hidden because no created intellect can comprehend God wholly. Regardless of how much mankind has evolved and grown, God is always greater. Revelation is always beyond our capabilities to understand; God is still veiled to us. Martin Buber states that revelation is not a making known of facts but rather a self-revelation of

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