The Pros And Cons Of Nazi Experiments

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Although there is some data that has been salvaged from Nazi experiments that has proven to be useful, it is unethical and should not be used by American doctors or American government agencies. In order to obtain this data, the Nazis subjected many innocent, healthy individuals and ruined the lives of these same individuals. In addition, these experiments were really unnecessary as they produced predictable results such as death. Also, the subjects were all exposed to unwarranted cruelty, being used in these experiments. The cruelty didn't stop with the Nazis, however. America used this data and people have continued to suffer proving that this data provides nothing but useless, harmful information. “...Medicine was practiced in certain places…show more content…
8 In addition to the high-altitude experiments, Nazi doctors performed another series of experiments known as the mustard gas experiments. In this particular investigation, the Nazi's human Guinea pigs were exposed to mustard gas and the results were reported. These people suffered excruciating burns and were severely injured as the gas ate away at their internal organs. Next, there is the Angel of Death himself, Dr. Josef Mengele. Dr. Mengele arrived at Auschwitz in 1945 to an already expansive inmate population of approximately 140,000.9 Dr. Mengele was different from most other Nazi doctors. For one, the trials he conducted were not to obtain information that could possibly be used to benefit Nazi soldiers. Dr. Mengele's medical trials were for his own benefit and to expand his own knowledge on topics he himself was interested in. One such experiment was the alteration of the color of one's eye by injecting dyes. His test subjects were usually children taken from the concentration camp. These tests “resulted in painful infections and sometimes blindness” and when the children were no longer needed to carry out his experiments, they were killed.10 Witness Vexler Jancu recounts seeing “a wooden table. On it were

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