The Pros And Cons Of Facebook Follie

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The beginning of social networking on the Internet stem from an individual’s desire to instantly and easily keep in touch and share information with other people which includes friends, family, co-workers, and even the world at large. Since the introduction of social networking, it has drawn millions of Internet users where most of them have incorporated these websites into their daily routines. Most of the social networking websites are offered without any charge which includes a quick and simple registration procedure. One of the most popular social media websites in the world is Facebook, where the users’ friends and family are able to read their postings online. There were 1.44 billion of monthly active users worldwide on Facebook as of March 31, 2015. Although Facebook is a very helpful and powerful tool for individuals to communicate and connect with other people, it could turn out to be a legal landmine because of Facebook Follies. The definition of Facebook…show more content…
In Applause Store Productions Limited and Matthew Firsht v Grant Raphael, an acquaintance of the claimant had set up a fake Facebook profile for the claimant. It was falsely stated on that fake profile that the claimant was seeking “whatever I can get” as the sexual preference, and the claimant was even signed up as member of a group related to homosexual on Facebook. A group on Facebook called “Has Matthew Firsht lied to you?” was set up by the defendant as well apparently for people which the claimant had owed large sums of cash to and lied on the subject of his payment. The claimant was awarded by the judge £22,000 in compensations for libel and misuse of personal information in consequence of the defendant’s

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