The Passionate Shepherd To His Love And The Nymph's

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The poems "The Passionate Shepherd to His Love" by Marlowe, and "The Nymph's Reply to the Shepherd" by Raleigh have divergent ideas about love. "The Passionate Shepherd to His Love" expresses his love by gifts and dates, while "The Nymph's Reply to the Shepherd" proclaim his love is not real, and reality is not what he pretends it to be. "And if these pleasures may thee move, Come live with me, and be my love" (Marlowe). "All these in me no means can move to come to thee and be thy love" (Raleigh). The emotion, the love, and the feelings are absent, emphasized, and different in the two poems. There is a lot of emotion absent from one text than the other. The emotion in "The passionate Shepherd to His Love" is more physical than in Raleigh poem. "Come live with me and be my love, and we will all the pleasures prove." (Marlowe). Although Marlowes poem is more physical than emotional, Marlowes text is more of a reality check. "But could youth last, and live still breed, had hits no date, more age no need." (Raleigh). The love is emphasized in both poems differently.…show more content…
"And I will make the beds of Rosew and a thousand fragrant posies." (Marlowe). She doesn't want physical objects she wants him to love her. "Soon break, soon eight, soon forgotten." (Raleigh). While "The Passionate Shepherd to His Love" emphasises physical love, "The Nymph's Reply to the Shepherd" emphasises

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