Comparing Raleigh And Marlowe's Poems

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Williams combined Raleigh and Marlowe’s poems to make his by focusing on love, time, and nature. Williams also restated Raleigh and Marlowe’s argument and agreed with Raleigh by saying “you cannot find peace in the country” (lines 1-3). The shepherd does not think about time when he attempts to give the nymph gifts, but the nymph says sooner or later the nature-made gifts would die. Williams agrees by saying “love itself a flower with roots in a parched ground. Empty pockets make empty heads” (lines 17-20). When Williams says, “Love itself a flower…” (Line 17), he is saying that love soon dies out like a flower. Marlowe uses alliteration to emphasize on the title “The Passionate Shepherd to His Love”, he also uses alliteration to let the reader that the poem is talking about love by using the letter L many times. The idea of “The Passionate Shepherd to His Love” is the shepherd is trying to persuade his love, the nymph to come live with him and be his love by giving her gifts made of nature like “bed of roses”. He also uses adjectives to describe the gifts like: finest, purest, melodious, and fragrant. The…show more content…
Raleigh connects both poems by writing his poem with same amount of lines and stanzas. Raleigh uses thy in the poem to make the nymph sound like she disowned the gifts he had given her like: “thy gowns, thy shoes, thy bed of roses, thy cap, thy kirtle, and thy posies. Raleigh, like Marlowe, uses alliteration to infer the central idea of the poem and title. The nymph says, “But could youth last and love still breed, had joys neither date nor age no need, nor then delights my mind might move to live with thee and be thy love”. (lines 21-24), refers to the central idea of “the Nymph’s Reply to the Passionate Shepherd which is the nymph is telling the shepherd that his gifts will die as time go on, but if time did not pass she would live with him and be his

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