Perfectionism Is Procrastination In Coaching

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There’s something thing that stands in the way of a coach who wants to build a fulfilling, successful coaching practice… Time. Or rather a severe lack of time. I’ve seen plenty of coaches who have more than enough talent, credibility, skill and passion to create 6 or even 7-figure practices. Coaches who are driven to make a difference and who are giving it their all in a highly competitive industry. These are outstanding people who have everything they need to build a thriving coaching practice. Unfortunately, they have a mindset about time that gets in their way. It’s an approach and a set of beliefs that shapes how they choose to spend their hours. This holds them back and can even destroy their dreams of achieving their goals…show more content…
It may feel like perfectionism is a character trait that you should be proud of but it’s not. I’d go so far as to say that perfectionism is procrastination in disguise. You might feel like you need to get your website, your marketing message, your program or your sales pitch perfect before it goes out into the world. This is a dangerous mistake. When you hold out for perfection, what you’re really doing is spending valuable time on something that’s ready to ship. You’re likely going over the same piece of content or strategy or technique again and again and again, even though you should have moved on to the next thing on your to-do list. Some coaches spend months trying to get things perfect and I know some exceptional coaches who have wasted years. Aiming for perfection leads to disastrous results. You’ll end up with very little time (or none at all) to do the work that matters. To do the tasks that need to be done so you can build your practice and achieve the kind of success that you deserve. So aim for imperfection. Try your best to avoid making mistakes and by all means, check your work but don’t spend an excessive amount of time doing

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