The Northwest Passage: Environmental Analysis

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Climate change is a serious issue to human in nowadays, from global warming to species extinction. All of this happened is because of different human activities and overuse of natural resources. Various terms and articles are written to describe this issue and ideas. Anthropocene is a geologic time terms which is still argued for is exact boundary. One of the definition is when human starts to mark up symbols on lands around the world and affect the ecosystem; another one is when the period of industrial revolution or atomic age. In my own opinion, Anthropocene begins when the time has human civilization and activities happened on the Earth which will affect other species. (Anthropocene, Wikipedia, Para. 1; Anthropocene, The Encyclopedia…show more content…
The sea route is becoming more navigable due to the melting ice, tourist ships come through also. This may lead to a quicker speed of ice melting as more pollutions are brought by those ships. In the future, the Northwest Passage will be filled with lights from ships as more ships are passing through. The sea route may also have a wider width due to the fast speed of ice melting. (Para. 7, 12, 13) The Convention on the Law of the Sea states that if the Arctic nations can prove the sea floor is their territory, they can extend their continental shelves. This law can control the Artic nations not to take the undiscovered oil and gas, this is what the law implicate. However, various Artic countries try to construct different architectures on the sea land to gain more land and resources. (Para. 16,17,18) The melting of the tundra has brought some consequences. One of them is saving up money if the permafrost keeps melting. The reason is that the Northwest Passage become wider and wider, more ships are able to pass through the northern Pacific Oceans and the Arctic Ocean in a shorter way which can help to save up fuels. Another one of the consequence is that more resources under sea can be discovered as the surface of sea is increasing. This can also help to solve the resources problems among different countries. (Para. 12,…show more content…
For the climate change in the Arctic, the indigenous people of Alaska are affected most. First, they may not have sufficient food. The reason is that when the climate change, the mammals themselves have to get used to the new temperature and environment so they may migrate to a new area or even dead. This lead to insufficient food for the indigenous people. Moreover, with less ice on the Arctic, more sea routes show up and ships will pass through. This will cause the pollution problems of Alaska more serious and the local people have to suffer from those pollutions. This will harm their health in a slowly way. Third, more accidents of shipwrecks and oil spills will be happened near Alaska as there is more ships passed by. The daily life of the locals will be affected due to these as they have to give a help to those injured. (Para. 30, 37,

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