Explain The Arguments Against Compatibilism

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Compatibilism: An Argument for Moral Freedom and Free Will Defense Thesis: This free will/moral freedom argument will identify the validity of bodily nervous system sensations and external biological factors that cause pain and suffering through the perspective of compatibilism. The First Premise: All distinct sensations that feel a certain way are real and not merely the absence of something else. This argument for compatibilism defines the combined effect of the physical human body interacting with the external environment as the primary causality for sensations as a real phenomenon. In my own body, I have the choice to feel different sensations, which allow me to discern different feelings within the environment. More so, the external…show more content…
The general argument of the distinct sensations is defined through the diversity of choice in the human brain, which is an extension of the biodiversity of the natural order. In this manner, Nature is a diverse external environment, which then provides a diverse array of sensations and feelings that can be felt through the human brain and the nervous system. This sympathetic relationship between the human body and external environments also defines how moral freedom can be achieved by knowing what is “right” or “wrong” in society. More so, moral choices are also part of the distinct feelings and sensations that have emotional and physical consequences for the individual. The human brain can possess its own autonomy from other human beings, which provide a vast array of moral choices. Therefore, these moral choices are freely chosen to a certain degree, which make it possible to feel the sensation of pain and suffering as a real phenomenon. This is why pain and suffering are real and not merely the absence of something

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