The Nature Of Evil In Macbeth

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What is the nature of evil? Is the murder of a human considered evil? Is it wrong to lie and do just about anything to get what you want regardless of the effect on others? What about simply not caring if others are killed or harmed by certain actions? The definition for evil is something morally wrong or wicked. In the play Macbeth written by William Shakespeare, there are many acts of evil. From murders and endless lies, to carelessness towards the safety of people and buildings. You will see as the prophecies of the witches begin to come true there is many acts of evil that follow. Macbeth is responsible for all of these actions and by far the most evil! Many lives are taken when the evil Macbeth goes on a killing spree. After the first time committing a murder, it then becomes easier for Macbeth to take a life. He has to keep killing more and more people to somehow cover his previous murders. The excuse Macbeth gives for his actions is “blood will have blood”(3.4.114). He says this meaning that once he killed King Duncan, he then had to kill more to cover that murder up, which is why he killed the guards. He continues the killing spree when he sends assassins to kill Banquo. Macbeth wants Banquo killed because…show more content…
He doesn’t care about any of the consequences of them sharing the prophecies, he just wants to know. Macbeth says “Even till destruction sicken; answer me to what I ask you.” page 166(.61-62) Regardless of the destruction what will occur, Macbeth only wants what is beneficial to himself. Macbeth also displays evil when he sends assassins to kill Macduff and his family. He catches the family off guard by his attack. Macbeth says “Seize upon Fife; give to the edge o’ th’ sword his wife, his babes, and all unfortunate souls that trace him to his line..” (pg 166 line 166-168) Macbeth continues the killing of the innocent by this

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