The Magic Of Reality Richard Dawkins

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In the story The Magic of Reality, by Richard Dawkins we can see he is a very reliable scientists; however, how does that affect his attitude toward myths and religion? Using the text we will be able to analyze how Dawkin thinks highly of science, and shed light upon how science has affected his attitudes towards myths and faith. Richard Dawkins, a man of science believes that science answers all of life's questions. In Chapter one he explained how not only our five senses, but models can also help us define what is real and what is not. An example of this could be from Gregor Mendel on DNA, “He invented a model, which involved what we would now call genes, and he calculated that, if his model were correct, in a particular breeding experiment there ought to be three times as many smooth pea as wrinkly ones” (17). Though Mendel could not see the genes directly, he was able to see the difference between a smooth and wrinkled pea. Dawkin seems to believe that myths and “supernatural magic” are one in the same. A good example of this would be when Dawkin is trying to explain supernatural magic, “To claim a supernatural explanation of something is not to explain it at all and, even worse, to rule out any possibility of ever being explained”(23). Dawkin seems not to like the idea supernatural magic for the fact…show more content…
Dawkin never really mentions the word religion in the reading, but give various examples of different religions beliefs. An excellent example would be about the Hebrew tribes single god creating the first man and then first women from rib,”So he gave Adam in general anesthetic, cut him open, removed one rib and stitched him back up again. Then he grew a woman from that rib, rather as you grow flower from a cut”(33). Dawkin seems to mook this belief by his choice of words: Anesthetic, stitched, and growing a flower from a cut. is this really how science has affected

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