The Longevity Game: Successful Aging

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Successful Aging Lynsay Sands once said, “Your face is marked with lines of life, put there by love and laughter, suffering and tears. It's beautiful.” This quote is very true based on what my grandma said when I interviewed her about successful aging. She said that throughout life you may face many hardships but also the greatest memories. However, in the later years in life, you can see the beauty of everything you have experienced. Throughout this paper, I am going to talk about what successful aging is based on the Longevity Game, the chapters from the book, and the thought questions that were given to us. The first thing that I did for this assignment was take the Longevity Game. This game will give you a peek into your future…show more content…
One of my goals in life is to life a long and successful life. This includes completing the task that I was created to do. I believe that we were all created to do something good in this world, and as long as I am able to do that, then I will say I lived a long and successful life. Another more current goal is to successfully make it through nursing school in four years while staying on the dean’s list and finding a great nursing job right after college. Eventually in life, my goal is to get married to the right guy that was meant for me and start a family one day with him. Other than those goals, I just want to live a happy and healthy life. My health plays a role in these goals because I have to stay positive to achieve these goals, eat healthy, and exercise. I need to make smart decisions throughout life so one day I can grow old and say that I have successfully lived a great…show more content…
When asked about how she copes with growing older and successful aging, she stated, “I am just thankful for everyday that I have been able to live for the past 93 years. I live each day to the fullest like it’s my last because I never know when that day is coming.” She said she practices successful aging by eating healthy and exercising everyday. She believe in making homemade meals that are more natural rather than eating the processed foods. She broke her hip when she was 80 years old (13 years ago) and they gave her exercises to help heal it. She still performs those exercises everyday to keep her body moving and active. She also had breast cancer at the age of 68 but had one breast removed so all of the cancer was gone. When she was younger her appendix burst and they did not think she was going to survive because of how intense it was. Luckly she survived, but had to fall back a year in school. Because of everything she has experienced throughout life, she states, “I am lucky to be alive today so I do what I can to live the longest that I can by taking preventative measures in life.” Like I said before, my grandma said that throughout life you may face many hardships but also the greatest memories. However, in the later years in life, you can see the beauty of everything you have experienced. One of the beauties in life that my grandma said she experienced is being

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