Andrew Jackson Nullification Crisis

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The president of the United States, one of the leading figures in the country, one who can make decisions and laws, some of which will determine the future of America for years to come, and one of their jobs is to help manage the country, especially in times of crisis. During the nineteenth and twentieth-centuries, many crises arose following the foundation of America, such as how Jackson managed the nullification crisis and preserved the Union, Abraham Lincoln’s approach to slavery issues with the Emancipation Proclamation, and the preservation of the Union once again during the Civil War, as well as Franklin Roosevelt’s New Deal during the Great Depression that brought America into a national recovery. These three significant leaders, Jackson,…show more content…
At the dawn of Andrew Jackson’s presidency, these problems surfaced and the federal government was tasked to solve these issues, or the country would fall into violence and division once again. “Old Hickory” Andrew Jackson, previously both a lawyer and a soldier, held office from March 4, 1829 to March 4, 1837, and in this time he brought a range of alterations to American politics, influenced the role of future presidents, and managed the nullification crisis, the event in which South Carolina threatened to secede from the Union if denied the right to nullify laws from the federal government (“Nullification Crisis” np). In order to preserve a stable Union, Jackson and Congress had to handle the predicament effectively to prevent disaster among state…show more content…
As stated in the article, “He became a democratic symbol and founder of the Democratic Party, the country's most venerable political organization. During his two-term presidency, he expanded executive powers and transformed the President's role from chief administrator to popular tribune” (“Andrew Jackson” np). The quotation illustrates Jackson’s legacy as president, despite the issues he dealt with throughout his presidency. As founder of the Democratic Party that is a major political party in today’s politics, this fact shows he had a lasting, positive impact on the country. As a result of this management of the nullification crisis, he also altered the role and expectations of an American president, which exemplifies that he dealt with the situation effectively. Overall, his actions changed the presidencies of America into the more modern image that is familiar and seen in presidents

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