The Importance Of Teenage Motherhood

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According to the previous study (child trends research), teens who have information about reproductive health are more likely to use contraception than those without such information. And teens who make virginity pledges are less likely to engage in early sexual activity among some groups of teens, when some, but not most, teens in their the school makes such pledges. Adolescents who are highly motivated and confident that they will delay sexual activity are more likely to do so while teens who perceive that their peers are sexually active are more likely to become sexually active themselves. Those who believe the sexual experience will increase others’ respect for them are also more likely to have sex. According to Nana Y.K. Gyesaw and Augustine…show more content…
Their finding supports the increasing body of research that indicates teen childbearing should not be viewed solely through a ‘risk prevention’ lens that emphasizes negative consequences for teen mothers and their babies indicates that motherhood brought happiness for many of the young women and an increased sense of meaning, despite the associated challenges of early parenting. There was an associated sense of maturity and responsibility. Many young mothers developed a personal sense of stability, identity, purpose, and responsibility following early…show more content…
According to the previous study published (2012), the reasons why students engaging in teenage pregnancy is because of boredom, bullying, lack of relevance, frustration with rules and regulations, difficulties in making friends, and lack of support of experiencing difficulties at home or school. According to Lianne J Woodward (2015) Young women who becamepregnant were characterised by higher rates of educational under-achievement, conduct problems,sexual risk taking, family adversity, and were more likely to identify themselves as Maori.Amongst those who became pregnant, there was a tendency for young women with a personalhistory of family adversity to be more likely to proceed with their pregnancy and become young

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