The Importance Of Philosophical Anthropology

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From the editor in chief We launch the new journal “Philosophical Anthropology”. Already in the first issue we try to unite the efforts of specialists in this philosophical movement despite the differences particular to this field of knowledge. Perhaps, in no other modern philosophical problem the question of the status is as pressing as in philosophical anthropology. The very existence of the discipline is in question. What are philosophical anthropologists to investigate, if “man is dead”? Why is it so? The thing is, philosophical anthropology has lost its canonical form. Whereas no other field of philosophic knowledge has lost its subject. Natural philosophy still studies nature. The artificial environment takes place of the natural environment.…show more content…
Podoroga notices that “it is hard to speak neither of unite systematics of philosophical (anthropological) knowledge as of a “school” nor of a shared view on the development of philosophy as a discipline. Therefore the term “anthropology” loses its nonexchangeable distinct disciplinary qualities and areas of study, predicating different aspects of modern knowledge (politics, philosophy, art, language)” [4, p. 11]. At the same time distinct complexes of reflection appear, that are determined by philosophers themselves as special blocks of philosophic-anthropological knowledge. Thus, F. I. Girenok uses the term “Archaeavangardist” [1; 2; 3], V. A. Podoroga discerns his professional interests from those of his colleagues introducing the term “analytic anthropology”…show more content…
The new “hermeneutics of subject” reveals, it would seem, unexpected possibilities of the philosophical study of the human. However, community is left with no subject at all eventually. It is covered with a net of singularities. Thus, step by step, the status of philosophical anthropology has been radically reconsidered. As a result of a thorough cleanup the usual concepts of personality, its construction and its identity were eliminated. Deconstruction of the “whoeness” has unsettled the sovereign element of philosophical anthropology - human. Philosophical anthropology has thus transformed into antianthropology that gradually exposes all its principles. Paradoxically along with the decline of philosophical anthropology its subject becomes a central theme of the entire philosophical and even humanitarian knowledge. Specialists gradually realize that no social or technological project can be carried out without a philosophical reflection on the human. Understanding of human often comes within the frame of the so-called negative

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