The Importance Of Coal Power In Australia

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Coal power is currently a major energy source, generating 73% of Australia’s electricity (Origin Energy, 2015). Coal is used as it is abundant and cheap, but coal burning harms human health and the environment through pollution. Therefore, it is suggested, Australia should move towards renewable energy. For example, wind power creates jobs does and causes no pollution, similarly geothermal plants do not require fossil fuels and are sustainable. Alternatively, wind cause noise disturbances and geothermal plants are expensive. So, which energy source is best to produce electricity? Coal energy is widely used as it is the most abundant fossil fuel and is becoming more sustainable by technology development (World Coal Association, 2012). However,…show more content…
Predictions for 2020 discussed by the Global Wind Energy Outlook, by (Steve et al., 2014), stated by using wind power one billion tonnes of carbon dioxide will be reduced. While, the (International Renewable Energy Agency, 2015) stated that the wind industry creates jobs as in 2014 one million jobs were maintained in the industry mainly in China, US, and Brazil. However, wind turbines, create noise disturbances. Doctor of Philosophy (Punch, 2014) experimental study on sound levels emphasises how wind turbines create disturbances. He measured the sound levels of a rural area with and without wind turbines and compared them. Before turbines the sound level was 20 dBA but after turbines were introduced this was 50 dBA. The (World Health Organisation, 2009) classified the sound level of 35 dBA, which is under the recorded level to cause insomnia. Therefore it is evident that wind turbines with 50 dBA cause harm to humans creating harmful sleep disturbances. Another renewable energy source available to Australia is geothermal…show more content…
Evidence by (Spinks, 2015) shows that on average the capacity of energy generating power is much higher in geothermal plants when compared to solar and wind. Geothermal plants have a high 90 to 95% percent capacity while wind and solar have 20 to forty percent capacity. Therefore, geothermal power plants can work throughout the day every day of the year making them a sustainable energy source. Furthermore geothermal plants in Australia have the potential to generate electricity until 2456 (Centre for International Economics, 2006). Even though the prospects for geothermal power plants may be good, they are expensive to set up as they require large reservoir’s in the ground. Energy Informative, environmental engineer (Maehlum, 2013) discussed that in order to drill a reservoir for a one megawatt plant, will cost $2 to $7 million. Another negative of geothermal plants is that toxic gasses to from under the ground are likely to be released as the wells are drilled (Bratley, 2013). These gases include sulphur dioxide, while deep in the reservoirs traces of toxic heavy metals like mercury, boron and arsenic are found which all act as a great threat to humans (Maehlum, 2013).Geothermal power plants are renewable energy source that has both advantages and

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