The Hobbit Movie Vs Book

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When novels are transformed into films, directors tend to take creative liberties with how chains of events occur. The Hobbit is no exception to this occurring theme with it’s series off movie transformations. The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien was recreated as a full-fledged set of films by director Peter Jackson. The events leading up to the chapter I’m analyzing began with Gandalf, Bilbo, and all 13 dwarves being left by the Lord of the Eagles at the bottom of a hill. Gandalf explains that over the hill is a home where a man named Beorn lives, but with such a small temper Gandalf decides to introduce all the dwarves and Bilbo into Beorn’s home two at a time as he tells Beorn their tale. Beorn enjoys their tale so much that he agrees to help them…show more content…
In the book, Beorn is given little detail as the main focus appears more on the party. This isn’t the case for the movie though as Peter Jackson adds more to Beorn’s character. The novel states, “‘He changes his skin: sometimes he is a huge black bear, sometimes he is a great strong black-haired man with huge arms and a great beard,’” (Tolkien 116). This evidence informs readers about who Beorn is and what he is capable of. Tolkien’s intent had been to introduce Beorn and give him a background. Tolkien unfortunately falls short here as Beorn is described in only a couple short, small sentences. It impacts the story line because readers find themselves forgetting most of Beorn and his little character as the story progresses. The movie however, contains a different kind of Beorn who reveals a backstory of how his people, skin changers, were killed and enslaved by orcs for sport and eventually became extinct, leaving only him. Jackson was attempting to create a more developed character that would gain sympathy from viewers. It has great effectiveness because it includes this side of a character we as an audience and readers have never seen before. It becomes easier to see who Beorn is as a character and what decisions he’ll make. The novel and motion picture differ in how much background is given to Beorn’s…show more content…
This is viewable when the novel states, “‘...when I call or whistle begin to come after me- you will see the way I go- but only in pairs, mind, about five minutes between each pair of you,’” (Tolkien 112). This evidence contains how the party plan enter Beorn’s home two at a time as Gandalf tells Beorn their tale. It impacts the storyline by creating a mellow and almost comedic mood. Seeing as Beorn grows impatient and surprised as more and more dwarves interrupt Gandalf’s story becomes amusing and due to there being no immediate danger the mood is calm. Tolkien’s intent was to create a chapter that summarizes the events of the book so far with a comical and serene chapter, which he accomplishes greatly. This is not the case in the movie however, in fact the entrance scene of the party in The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug is of the party being chased by orcs ,wargs, and Beorn himself into Beorn’s home just scarcely. Peter Jackson’s purpose in including this opening was to create a suspenseful and threatening mood. This choice was more effective than the Tolkien’s choice because it allows viewers to become immersed in the action of the scene. While it applies no summary of the party’s adventure so far, it gives viewers a sudden pop of interest. Where the book introduces the chapter with a mellow and amusing mood, the movie strays from the path to create a suspenseful and terrifying

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