The History Of Dividing Line William Byrd Analysis

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William Byrd the 2nd and Jonathan Edwards were very different people who have had many different ideas. Jonathan Edwards was very strong in his religious beliefs and Byrd was more of a free spirit type and more into doing things that benefits him and his habits. William Byrd was an Anglican but was much different than any other Anglican at his time. He kept a journal like many of his companions, but unlike them ,he didn’t write about religious experience, he wrote about fun times he had and chasing women and going to parties and enjoying himself. Byrd seemed to be much different that most writers in this time period due to the fact he was into writing about the wonders of nature instead of religious experiences, and had very descriptive words. In his story “The History of Dividing Line” he writes about the first exploration to a foreign land, and talks about the vivid beauty of it. He also mentions the lazy Carolina frontier folk, inhabiting a "Lubberland,", a lubberland is referred to a place where people are so lazy he couldn't imagine a place with people as lazy as them. After Byrd had done all these things he died at age seventy, he lived a long successful life in manys opinion.…show more content…
Edwards attended Yale in his early years and later in life he met and married Sarah Pierpont, the daughter of James Pierpont, the founder of Yale. Edwards was very strong in his religious beliefs, most of his writings were about religion. He however focused on negative reinforcement by telling about how all sinners go to hell and, and will burn for their misdeeds on Earth. Later on in Edwards life him and his wife served a mission together in America teaching Indians about his religion. Soon after his mission, Jonathan Edwards died at age fifty-four of a smallpox

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