The Grapes Of Wrath Chapter Analysis

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Although it doesn't have much to do with the story, Steinbeck provides us with background information to help us understand the rest of the book. The inner chapters gives us discussion about topics clearly related to what is occurring in the novel. It adds an extra indicators to the novel that might not be that obvious otherwise. John Steinbeck acknowledged that one of the most denounced elements of “The Grapes of Wrath” was his alternating use of the intercalary chapters that interject the narrative of the Joads. The structure of the inner chapters is very carefully structured to hint at the main storyline, Steinbeck noted that the order of the chapters is no coincidence. Perhaps the widely used proficiency in the intercalary chapters, is that of dramatization: the use of vignettes, monologues, and dialogues designed to show the social and historical undertaking behind the events that were occurring in the story of the Joads. In chapter 9, for example, we hear the frustrations of…show more content…
Steinbeck uses generalized disposition and dialogue to illustrate the quandary of the dispossessed tenants. Not wishing to solely tell about social or historical reality that composed the backdrop of his plot, Steinbeck allows his readers to perceive this for themselves the effect of the drought on the sharecroppers, or the gradual deterioration of the houses forsaken by farmers forced to migrate westward. Furthermore, chapter nine provides the reader with a look at the desolation the migrants faced as they were forced to pick over their

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