The Golden Touch In Mythology By Edith Hamilton

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In the book, “Mythology” by Edith Hamilton, the myth of King Midas begins with the King of Phrygia discovering Silenus in his garden. Silenus had strayed away from Bachus’ train and had gotten lost. Midas welcomed Silenus for ten days then returned him back to Bachus. Bachus was so ecstatic to get Silenus back, he granted King Midas any wish he wanted and it come true. Midas decided to wish that whatever he touched, would turn to solid gold. Bachus made that wish come true. Then a few hours later when Midas went to eat, as soon as the food touched his lip, it turned right into glittering gold. Being unable to eat, Midas seeked out Bachus to help reverse the wish. Bachus told him to go wash in the river of Pactolus and then the wish would be reversed. Once Midas had washed in the river, Apollo turned Midas’ ears into donkey ears as a punishment for his stupidity.…show more content…
The golden touch of being to make money easily, we now value in society. Someone who has the golden touch, should take it as a compliment. Midas touch has been used so much that it has become an actual term in the dictionary. The Midas myth is a saying, “Be careful what you wish for because you just might get it.” We use that phrase today to tell people that they should be careful about what they wish for because it could come true. In the midas myth, the king didn’t think about what he was wishing for and it came true. He was clueless of the horrible consequences that came with the wish. When he wished for everything he touched to become gold, he didn’t mean everything he just meant objects. He didn’t realize that his food and family would also turn to solid gold if he touched

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