Pangloss's Philosophy In The Novel 'Candide' By Voltaire

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Philosophy is a major theme in the novel Candide by Voltaire. The characters, especially the main character, Candide, search for peacefulness in a chaotic world. They are all in search of “a happy ending”, although some believe happiness is impossible to achieve. Candide is struggling to explain this tumultuous world, and turns to philosophy. Growing up, Candide’s tutor, Pangloss, taught him a very optimistic philosophy of “the best of all possible worlds”. Pangloss, throughout the novel, asserts his idea that every disaster brings about wonderful, positive outcomes. Even when Pangloss develops a serious disease, syphilis, he claims it is okay, because without syphilis there would be no chocolate. Candide accepts this theory wholeheartedly at first, until his fortune changes, and he ends up on the street. He wants to continue to believe in Pangloss’s optimism, but is unable to develop ideas of positive potential results on his own, and wishes he could ask Pangloss for his thoughts.…show more content…
He begins to doubt that this is, indeed, the “best of all possible worlds”. In fact, Candide offers to pay for the passage of “the most miserable man” to Venice, with him, in order to gain another viewpoint on philosophy. Martin is selected and becomes Candide’s

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