The First Grader Rhetorical Analysis

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Shevaughn Spaulding Professor Patriche Eng. Comp II September 25, 2015 Curiosity of “The First Grader”: An Inspiration to Learn Every day. Curious by nature, when humans are born they are eager to learn, explore life and the environment around them at every opportunity possible. A child’s eagerness to learn expands as he/she get older and approaches grade school level. Upon entering the first grade, a child’s desire to read and write intensifies as they attempt to teach their selves to do so. As child grows older their aspirations to learn or be taught seems to diminish. In an article by Lauren Bowen, she argues that “Justin Chadwick’s “The First Grader” dramatizes the true story of Kimani Ng’ang’a Maruge, an octogenarian and former Mau Mau freedom fighter who, in 2003, took seriously the Republic of Kenya’s offer of free primary education and fought to enroll in a local primary school.” While Ms. Bowen’s statement may be true , “The First Grader” also shows a different perspective about the dedicated Kimani Ng’ang’a Maruge, an Kenyan war veteran, who’s contend on going to school to learn how to read and write despite discrimination but historic, social and political complexities also seems to be an issue. Kimani Ng’ang’a Maruge, whom the movie is based on faces various historic complexities that stems from racial to cultural matters. Maruge an…show more content…
Everyone would agree about some social problems, such as murders and traffic deaths. Other social problems may be viewed as such by certain groups of people.” A conflict matter rises between Maruge and the children parents, which gives way to exactly what Munna states in his article. The parents are view Maruge as a problem, by being in the classroom as their children. (Poverty taking away from their kids, no right for an elderly man to be seated with children.) not staying

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