Plato, Petide, Lucretius And Kant Analysis

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We have read and depicted the works of Kant, Plato, Petide, and Lucretius thus far in Philosophy. Within each text, our objective was to begin to comprehend the technique of each philosopher by analyzing their way of writing. By doing so, we were to initiate a comprehension of how they came to their own understanding. The content of this paper, is to describe the ideal relationship, based on the texts we have read. I am going to focus on the philosopher Kant and how he fixated on human’s ability to think and rationalize for themselves. By using these abilities I will describe how the ideal relationship is formed between other humans and our government reflecting with all higher officials as well. Along with their ability to think and rationalize…show more content…
In the text, What is Englightment? by Immanuel Kant, his primary focus was what sets humans aside from other living creatures. Kant focused on humans’ ability to be able to think and rationalize on their own. It is with this power of reason that sets humans aside from each other. Every human’s ability to reason is different from the next, their abilities to draw cause and effect is unique to themselves. Where we see in the first line, “Enlightenment is man’s emergence from his self-imposed immaturity" (Kant 1). Enlightenment is the ability to have your own reason, whereas emergence is the process of coming into view or becoming exposed. I believe that this sentence signifies becoming free of one’s own reason, which could be seen through an ideal relationship between humans. With this I mean that men are easily prone to falling in the shadow of other men, becoming lost in their thoughts and ways. Shown in Kant’s words, “If I have a book to serve as my understanding, a pastor to serve as my conscience, a physician to determine my diet for me, and so on, I need not exert myself at all” (Kant 1). Taking and breaking down this sentence, each of our human needs would be taken care of by a higher power. Our voice would no longer be considered as our own, we would follow the

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