The Farewell Discourse

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The Agony in the Garden is about Jesus telling his disciples (Peter, James, and John) that he is going to die and his betrayer, which turns out to be Judas, is approaching. Jesus pleads to God by saying, “Abba, you have the power to do all things. Take this cup away from me. But let be as you would have, not as I” (Mark 14: 36-38). Jesus is pleading to His Father by saying “Abba” to spare his life. He is also saying that God is powerful and will accept whatever He has planned Jesus to do. Jesus goes to the garden of Gethsemani to pray. He tells Peter, James, and John to stay behind as he prays to God. He prays for what he knows. The author places this episode before Jesus’s arrest and after the Farewell Discourse at the conclusion of the Last Supper. The Farewell Discourse is when Jesus explains to the disciples that he will be going away to become the Father. He tells the disciples that He will be sending the Holy Spirit to guide them. Jesus is displaying the love between the Father, Him, and the Holy Spirit. In the episode Peter’s Denial Foretold, Jesus says, “I give you my assurance, this very night before the cock crows twice, you will deny me three times.”…show more content…
Out of the four gospels, Mark explains Jesus the best. The way he describes Jesus makes Jesus seem the most human-like description. In Christianity, Jesus is portrayed as divine and human. Divine is being excellent or of, from, or like God. Being Christian is about following the word of the Lord. Jesus is a great leader. The stories that make him felt the most real, are the best stories because as followers, we want to follow his ways. As Powell explains on page 44, “He feels a wide range of emotions including pity, anger, wonder, compassion, indignation, and love.”. Jesus showing emotions expresses how human he is. It shows that he might not have the answers for everything but he tries his best to do make the right

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