The Dramatic Retelling Of The Book Of Ruth In The Bible

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Description: The Book of Ruth is a dramatic retelling of the Book of Ruth in the Bible. The film starts off with a young David, who will become King David, being told the incredible story of his ancestress, Ruth, by her son Obed, who is David’s grandfather. Obed begins the story shortly after Ruth’s mother in-law Naomi, has lost her husband. Ruth and her sister-in-law, Orpah soon also become widows in quick succession, causing locals to mock Ruth for her faithfulness to God. Upon the arrival of a friend’s servant, who brings her news of a good harvest in her native land, Ruth realizing she has no reason to stay decides to return home. Before doing so she releases her daughters-in-law of any obligation to her. Orpah decides to return to the Moabites, while Ruth insists on remaining faithful to her mother-in-law, and to God. Ruth travels back to Judah with Naomi. As the land owned by Naomi’s husband has not been maintained there is no harvest. Therefore Ruth goes to work in the fields belonging to a local man, Boaz in order to feed herself and Naomi. Boaz is kind to Ruth, allowing her to have extra grain to take home. The two begin to speak during their interactions, when Ruth comes to work and they soon develop feelings for each other.…show more content…
Luckily for the couple the other man is interested in the property but will not Marry Ruth, because is she a foreigner, in order to purchase it. Therefore Boaz marries Ruth, and they have a son together who will carry on the family name of Ruth’s deceased

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