The Crucible Movie Review Essay

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The Crucible (1996) Cast: Daniel Day-Lewis, Winona Ryder, Paul Scofield, Joan Allen, Bruce Davidson, Rob Campbell, Jeffrey Jones, Peter Vaughan, Karron Graves, Charlayne Woodard, Robert Breuler, Rachael Bella Synopsis: Abigail Williams (Wynona Ryder) rode in on a fiery broomstick of lies and had the whole town of Salem, Massachusetts. in a complete uproar. Some people just simply don’t like when they get a fatal rejection. Lives will be taken and crushed in the hands of Abigail Williams (Wynona Ryder). Review: Nicholas Hytner transforms a well known play into a heartfelt drama, that was made for the big screen. He chooses great actors to play the most important roles in the movie. The choice of actors that Hytner chose was interesting. One of the most important roles, John Proctor is portrayed by Daniel Day-Lewis. It seems as if he really is stuck between a rock and a hard place, he doesn't hold any emotions back as he plays his role in this movie. He also does a marvelous job at choosing the actor to play Abigail Williams, he decided to have her played by Winona Ryder and she does a marvelous job. When we watch her act it seems as if we are set back in time to the days of the Salem witch trials. She can make it seem like there's something terrifying trying to get her when their is nothing there at all.…show more content…
The movie doesn’t match up with the play at all. There were plot changes like most of the scenes being shot outside instead of inside. At times this movie became confusing to me because the movie combined act one and two of the play. The most disappointing thing were the two added scenes between John and Abigail. There was one added scene where John and Abigail kissed and where Abigail tried to get John to grope her. There was also a scene where Abigail goes to the jail where John is held and tries to get John to run away with

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