The Crucible John Hale Tragic Hero

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all hopes of him to catch those that practiced witchcraft (Act I). He, being the very eager and determined person he was, wanted to put all his knowledge and learning to use and wanted to help people. While others with weaker moral values would have pursued the people more to finally use their life’s work, he didn’t. John resisted and his moral superiority showed through. Even though the people of Salem don’t know this about John, it is this aura around him that shows where he has been and what he has done that makes these people look up to him. The next characteristic of a tragic hero is that the hero is observed struggling with a fatal flaw. Although a stereotype of men of God is that they are seen as perfect, John has several struggles in the play, many of which, ironically, go back to him being a moral figure in society. John is ultimately too confident in his own knowledge and too…show more content…
This is seen in the character Reverend John Hale when the girls’ dancing comes to light, Hale immediately starts questioning the girls, which leads him to questioning Tituba, Reverend Paris’s slave. While intensely questioning her, he gets so caught up in getting to the bottom of the witchcraft outbreak that he throws away his common sense and inadvertently feeds what to do to Abigail. If Hale would ask if Tituba was feeling cold, Abigail and the Cronies would act like they were shivering (Act 1). He was too confident in what was in his books that he didn’t even think that he could possibly be taken advantage of. This little slip in his judgement causes a domino effect for all the other plot points in the story. Without Abigail first creating the idea in people’s heads that the girls were being tortured by witches, nothing else would have happened, the trials probably wouldn’t have gone on, and John wouldn’t have been hung. Hale’s persistence and oblivion are his

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