The Corruption Of Shakespeare's The Catalyst

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In a local village, our glorious Duke saved a local nun-in-training named Isabella from a corrupt politician named Angelo. Angelo was left in-charge by our Duke himself, but it turned out that our Duke did not leave; he was merely disguised as a friar. Our Duke then used this disguise to successfully seek out any political corruption from Angelo, which turned out to be the abuse of his powers. Angelo reportedly attempted to have sex with the virtuous nun-in-training as a form of trade for her brother's life. In addition to this, Angelo also had an affair with the woman Mariana but never married her. Soon after this unfolded in the town square, our Duke rightfully stepped in and had Angelo married and thereafter hung him for his villainous corruptions. The Catalyst…show more content…
All of this started when Isabella’s brother, Claudio, was arrested for getting his lover pregnant prior to marriage. This was a technical issue because while they had said their vows, they did not have the money to actually get married. As soon as this was found out, Angelo heartlessly sent Claudio to jail and to have him executed. Angelo was absolutely abusing his powers over this and obviously, his political views are more important than his religious views. If he had any sense of religious morals, he would have accepted the fact that because they said their vows, it is perfectly legal for them to bare a child. This not being the case, he put his cruel mindset into action and had not even considered that it was

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