Remember The Titians

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The movie Remember the Titians, directed by Boaz Yakin, is a that is not just about football but the watcher can also see that the film is about overcoming racism, leadership and teamwork. Remember the Titians can be viewed as a film about overcoming racism as well as one about football as the film starts with black and white people hating each other but by the end of the film there are less of these issues, in particular the team is much close, and this is exposed very prominently. In the beginning of the film the viewer learns that the black and white schools have been merged and the scene of Gerry disrespecting black people shows that the community is not at all happy with this change. There are various scenes in which racism is made very prominent through fights. One of these is when Gerry and Julius and have a disagreement about a black power poster. However by the end of the film the team are like brothers no matter their race, this is evident when Gerry says ‘I was only hating my brother’. As there is such a prominent mention of racism the movie is at least partly about racism as it is football.…show more content…
The film illustrates ways of leadership and does so in a very prominent way, the events showing this include; when Julius tells Gerry that ‘Attitude reflects leadership’ and when Boone says that Yoast needs to, as a leader, treat everybody the same. Throughout the film Yoast and Boone lead the team and Boone, as Julius states; ‘demanded perfection’ whilst Yoast wanted everyone to be happy and had disagreements about this however this concludes with the two Coaches respecting each other and a respect of leadership from the team being formed. Leadership is a large part of Remember the Titians and can be seen as a focus for the

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