The 100 Mile Diet Summary

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J. B. MacKinnon, a well-known ecologist steps away from the local foods movement in his novel The 100-Mile Diet, to call for change in the way we perceive the ecosystem. His novel The Once and Future World: Nature As It Was, As It Is, As It Could Be, presents a thought provoking perspective about our world. Anyone who reads this novel will gain and acquires a greater understanding of the state of the ecological world and might even see a change in his or her outlook, as MacKinnon examines what we lost and the knowledge we have gained within these loses. The novel is divided into three sections as the title suggests. First part is called The Nature of the Problem, where the author goes over what nature was once like and how we have forgotten it. Additionally, he mentions that “we live in a 10 percent…show more content…
It is the beauty of nature that should inspire us to seek more of it rather than it’s emptiness (MacKinnon, 2013). In the last part, Human Nature, the author addresses the age of restoration, where he presents this notion of ‘rewilding’ where humans can still be among nature. This novel was very enlightening and not only has MacKinnon showed just how much humans have changed the world but he also mentions that despite everything nature is not lost, we just need to comprehend the vast difference between nature as it was, nature today and what it could be. Furthermore, we need to steer towards a world where nature is available and the concept of wilderness is not lost. I choose this novel because I strongly believe that as the concept of nature fades from our memory, we risk loosing wilderness altogether. Furthermore, this novel has allowed me to have a better overall apprehension of our standing with nature, and recognize that hope is not completely lost, there is still a chance to see wilderness expand and it is up to us to make these

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