Th Collaboration Case Study

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The 2012 Defense Strategic Guidance states: “Acting in concert with other means of national power, U.S. military forces must continue to hold al-Qa’ida and its affiliates and adherents under constant pressure, wherever they may be.” The military’s role in defeating transnational terrorism abroad is apparent. Because of Posse Comitatus, the military’s domestic responsibilities remain contentious. To defeat this threat, the Department of Defense (DoD) must contribute by maintaining aggressive direct action on foreign soil, while the United States Northern Command (USNORTHCOM) assists other agencies on domestic soil. In doing so, the USNORTHCOM should consider adding additional organization depth by forming a counter terrorism (CT) functional team within its already established Joint Interagency Directorate (JID), to include ongoing participation in a robust exercise program that promotes collaboration with state and other federal entities. To better grasp the nexus between DoDs counter terrorism efforts at home and abroad, it is important to understand why the military’s domestic responsibilities sparks much debate.…show more content…
Of particular concern is when intelligence and law enforcement organizations from both the federal and state levels have to collaborate on terror threats. This effort uncovers nuanced issues, such as the process of quickly analyzing intelligence, scrubbing sensitive sources and methods, and then transmitting it to law enforcement that lack classified systems. In respect to DoD, scenarios should cover Posse Comitatus implications, to ensure all organizations are aware of DoDs limitations, but also their opportunities. In essence, exercises force organizations to collaborate before an incident occurs. As USNORTHCOM matures, it must participate in a robust exercise program, and DoD and Congress must support that

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