Society's Loss Of Greed In A Utopian Society

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Utopian society believes that pleasure is what leads to happiness. They recognize that pleasure is divided into two groups: higher and lower pleasures. Utopia supports higher pleasures which help better others and the community and they reject lower pleasures which are for self-interest. Utopian society repels those lower pleasures. Utopia’s society has expelled indulgent pleasures to become a successful society. Utopia has gotten rid of corrupting greed. Greed is a selfish desire. It can aid only one person, and is an individual action. Though Utopian society is concerned with the community. It is not set up on an individual level, rather it favors the group. Utopian society set up ideals that would be followed to limit greed. Their society…show more content…
The Utopians do not connote silver and gold with wealth and power, because they were raised to believe that gold is common and worthless: “But silver and gold are the normal materials…They also use chains and fetters of solid gold to immobilize slaves” (67). In their society, the Utopians use silver and gold in their everyday life and leads them to believe that silver and gold are unimportant. Since gold and silver are common, the Utopians do not think of them as rarities, rather, a mere material that is apparent in their daily lives. Thus the Utopians have no desire for gold and silver which are the most common forms of greed in many other societies. The Utopians also have no desire for excessive material goods: “There’s more than enough of everything to go around, so there’s no risk of him asking for more than what he needs…when he knows he’ll never have to go short of anything” (61). The Utopians are prepared and will…show more content…
In their society, the Utopians work to improve their community and ultimately their country. Thus, Utopian society requires all Utopians to work: “Everybody [does] useful work” (59). All Utopians work so they each have a task to complete every day. Though the Utopians do not work over excessively: “they have a six-hour working day” (56). The Utopians have to work a few hours since everyone helps that way they can complete much more work in a short amount of time: “if you put the whole lot of them on to something useful, you’d soon see how few hours’ work a day would be amply sufficient to supply all the necessities and comforts of life” (57-8). All Utopians work to help the community and with everyone working, they decrease their work time. Their efficient work gives the Utopians more free time. Though the Utopians do not waste their time laying around instead they use this time “so that [they] can cultivate [their] mind[s] - which they regard as the secret of a happy life” (59). The Utopians use that time to gain more knowledge by going to lectures or continuing to work. They strive for more knowledge because they believe that learning will lead them to happiness. Therefore the Utopians have no time to be idle, for throughout their days they are working and learning and become good citizens. The Utopians are hardworking people who use their time

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