Taylor Swift's Blank Space

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Taylor Swift’s “Blank Space” is a poem about relationships and the downward spiral they go on once the “honeymoon phase” is over with. “Blank Space” supports the idea of patriarchy by displaying a female who lures in men by posing as the perfect girl and supporting the idea of “true womanhood”, and then completely taking an opposite personality and acting deranged because it is natural for woman to crave drama and various types of emotion. This poem uses the ideologies of patriarchy, sexism, traditional gender roles, and true womanhood to depict its support towards patriarchy. Along with that, the poems format and rhyme scheme play a role in the reinforcement of patriarchy. In Swift’s “Blank Space”, “love’s a game (wanna play?)” portrays an interesting view on sexism (line 8). It has this idea that the words in the parentheses are a second thought, maybe not even spoken aloud. Therefore all the speaker is saying is aloud is “love’s a game” which is seen as a woman fearful of being played because her emotions will be pulled at, but then the inner thought or better known as the parentheses stating “(wanna play?)” prove that the speaker…show more content…
“find out what you want be that girl for a month”, this quote displays the quality of true womanhood and traditional gender roles by claiming that woman will portray themselves as the males preference to please them because that is their jobs as the “true woman” (line 29-30). In a later line, “screaming, crying, perfect storms i could make all the tables turn rose garden filled with thorns” the speaker illuminates the notion of true womanhood with these disguises of being a perfect storm or rose garden, but then makes the tables turn by portraying her true colors with a view of sexism and as being filled with emotion and the desire for conflict and trouble by screaming, crying, and being filled with thorns

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