Synthesis Essay: The Five Components Of Health

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There are 5 components of health. They are cardiovascular endurance, muscular strength, muscular endurance, flexibility, and healthful body composition. Cardiovascular endurance is when you improve your heart, lungs, and blood vessels to be more effective. This is important to health because it can make you faster and more active. Also you’ll be able to outrun the zombies and looters in the apocalypse. You can improve it by running often. Muscular strength is the maximum amount of strain that can be put on one muscle. This is important to your health because you'll feel stronger and be able to do more stuff. Plus you'll be able to fight of the zombies and looters via throwing or punching. You can improve this by lifting weights. Muscular endurance is the ability to hold the maximum wait for the maximum amount of time. This is important to your health because you’ll be able to hold stuff up and carry items for long distances. Don’t forget you'll be able to hold up a sheet of metal in order to be invisible from aerial view. You can improve this by lifting weights for more reps.…show more content…
This is important to your health because you'll be able to reach more stuff and stretch without pains. A reminder to the fact that you'll also be able to crawl around into places to avoid zombies and looters. You can improve this by stretching over long periods. Lastly is your healthful body composition is the amount of fat, water, bone, and muscle you have. This is the most important to your health because if this is to low then you can do the other components as well. More importantly you'll be able to do all the components better in the apocalypse. You can improve it by eating right and exercising

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